среда, 15 января 2020 г.


Use of PS4 interactive keyboard with a non-touchpad controllers. I found it to be quite childish as it made the CM's display FU. Click here for a complete list of GamePacks. Older versions of Gtuner bared Koppe's name on the about screen as the author. Fix tab scroll change order after rearrange tab position GPC Editor: cronusmax gtuner

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cronusmax gtuner

Results 1 to 7 of 7. For example to help a friend to finish a Guitar Hero song on hard difficulty. Continue Reading 3 Comments. Remember, you read it here first.

All times are GMT For some kinds of games this feature is especially useful. I'm sure many of you by now have heard of the amazing CronusMax product for allowing cross compatibility of gaming peripherals between gaming console platforms, along with a host of other features.

cronusmax gtuner

Don't take my word for it, try it for yourself! Added slider control Cronuxmax Editor: Finally, here is the Legit latest Gtuner from consoletuner.

Posts Tagged ‘Gtuner Pro’

Again, I don't know who is at fault in the long run; it very well could be Jefferson Koppe was a greedy bastard, and one of the business partners had enough, cut his losses and relaunched.

Further gtumer, all the help menu drop down links in the cracked version are broken; no user manual, no Gtuner instructions. Titan One Updates v2. The plugins for the Gtuner from controllermax. Originally Posted by wmxp. It's one thing to prevent other devices from using software, it's another thing to try to destroy them when they do. Fix tab scroll change order after rearrange tab position GPC Editor: Remember last folder used. Legal Disclaimer check the bottom of the site. I recently ordered one of the new model ControllerMax dongles from one of their official retailers.

As of today, the "latest" version of the Gtuner software on controllermax's website is 2.

CronusMax/ControllerMax/TitanOne – GTuner V2.25 disponible

Here is the cracked Gtuner 2. A GamePack gives you the functionality of a fully modded controller without the need to install chips or solder crnusmax.

After poking around in the Gtuner software from their website, controllermax. With Gtuner PRO 3.

CronusMax (ControllerMax) vs Titan One -READ THIS NOW!

Add Thread to del. The man who writes Gtunef the firmware and the Gtuner software the brains behind the operation, Jefferson Koppe added protections in his software for it to only work with "original Cronus" products, using a white listed database of serial numbers, taken from a value imbedded in the on board rom of the device. This is just a hacked up version of 2.

This is all information I have uncovered myself by personally reverse engineering the software, and I claim allegiance to nobody. Jefferson has recoded Gtuner with a new encryption scheme starting with 3. Continue Reading No Comments.

Click here for a complete list of GamePacks. He's a dream come true for the avid gamer like me. The time now is Pretty much echos my findings: Poking through various timestamps of the website on archive.

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