воскресенье, 19 января 2020 г.


Cindarr bears the totem of the Gorilla and his power staff invokes the Power of Destruction. He possesses the totem of the Beetle , and like Reekon has the ability to power vehicles. However, Cindarr is tricked by his fellow Darkling Lord Lexor into releasing the creatures, which leads to a frantic attempt by both factions to recapture them. The youngest of the Spectral Knights. The wizard then joined forces with the Darkling Lords and led them to the Lost Shrine, where he betrayed them. visionarios os cavaleiros da luz magica

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Cindarr bears the totem of the Gorilla and his power staff invokes the Power of Destruction. All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from July The animal totems were depicted in their natural forms instead of the two factions' representative blue or green.

But Lexor tricks Cindarr into freeing the creatures, who proceed to wreak havoc on both factions.

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The story is set on the fictional planet magicaa Prysmos, a futuristic society where all technology and complex machinery suddenly cease functioning, and its citizens are forced to rely on ancient magic to survive. His main vehicle is the Capture Chariot, which possessed the Power of Fire in the Marvel comic series.

In Hasbro produced a set of figures after the cartoon series ended.

Characters who could not use these weapons instead had the power to infuse vehicles with magical powers, the spells for which were printed on official toy packaging but never used in either the comics or the animated series. Prior to the Age of Magic, Virulina was a newscaster.

But, before they could take the wizards to Iron Mountain, the Spectral Knights were ambushed by the Darkling Lords, prompting them to release Wizasqueezar as a diversion.

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Retrieved March 4, The character was named after Hasbro sculptor Bill Merklein, who developed the holography for the toyline. Headed by its leader Leoric, the Spectral Knights are magic users who use magic for the purposes of good; they are the protagonists of the series. The most short-tempered of the Darkling Lords, Cravex bears the totem of the phylot a dinosaur-like scavenging bird on the planet of Prysmos and his power staff invokes the Power of Fear.

He secures the allegiance of the other members of his group when finding them caught in a trap during the quest to Merklynn's shrine, having them swear loyalty to him in exchange for freeing them.

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light - Wikipedia

For his stealth and treachery, Merklynn awards him the totem of the Lizard. Lightspeed — "Sheathe these feet in the driving gale, make swift these legs, o'er land I sail! Reekon has no totem staff but has the ability to power vehicles. Belizar vowed to one day prove worthy of knighthood; in the meantime, he would stay in New Valarak and help the people rebuild.

Marna — A Khemirite woman. The Spectral Visionariow and Darkling Lords are forced to work together in order to recapture the imps and return them to their tomb. Reekon has no power staff but has the ability to power mxgica. Dejected after getting into difficulties during a battle with pirates, Feryl leaves the Spectral Knights. Part two of the miniseries. Retrieved September 13, He can send people to sleep by hitting them on the head with a small hammer, and has the power of hypnosis.

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He bears the totem of the Mollusk and his power staff holds the Power of Decay. His main adversary is Feryl, as both are loyal to their respective leaders.

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light

He secures the allegiance of the other members of his group when finding them caught in a trap during the quest to Merklynn's shrine, having them swear loyalty to him in exchange for freeing them. In the comics, this held the Power of Protection.

Merklynn sends the Spectral Knights to the Anarchy Zone to round up three rogue wizards, but, just as they have completed their mission, the Darkling Lords ambush them. She was the first to discover what had happened cavalekros Leoric, but, though she was able to convince his fellow Spectral Knights of the truth, her own people urged on by Darkstorm refused to listen and only stopped attacking the Spectral Knights once Leoric was freed amgica the spell which trapped him.

Later in the series, Darkstorm used him in his plot to depose Merklynn, before sending both wizards to the Wizards' Jail. Shaggy — The Hair Imp. However, Cindarr is tricked by his fellow Darkling Lord Lexor into releasing the creatures, which leads to a frantic attempt by both factions to recapture them.

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