четверг, 16 января 2020 г.


Quite a few references I found only indicated copying in the fbembed. I really appreciate that. Thanks for the assistance. With these changes in place, right-click the Web project and click Publish. This is also fairly easy to fix, but requires two solutions, one for the WinForms project and one for the ASP. devexpress 2009.3

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Basically, when the controller is activated, it will add two event handlers to the report service controller for WinForms applications — one for when a preview is shown, and one for when the report is designed.

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I uninstalled devexpress yay, it's a pig and still no joy. So far, this is very similar to using the Domain Objects. At this point, the ASP.

I should have looked there first, my bad. Good luck with just code and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any other issues. I uninstalled and reinstalled justcode, but also no joy.

AfterConstruction ; if Session. Working on a little XAF project, I recently had the need a common one to support the concept of objects being owned by certain users.

all options disabled?

These events force a criteria that only shows objects owned by the current user. Add the following code to your controller: As with any XAF based project, build the solution first so that type information is available to the XAF model editor. Posted 02 Dec Link to this post I just installed justcode and none of the code, refactor, or navigate menu options are enabled.

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I need two things to diagnose the problem. Thanks for the assistance.

devexpress 2009.3

I really appreciate that. Double check your process in task manager — is it bit devexpreas bit? Here are some references I found useful. In my case, this was on a bit OS, which had me jumping through a few extra hoops. The fourth step is to change the connection string in your App.

Posted 02 Dec Link to this post. I'll grab consolas and see if it helps. NET project to any new server. Note that you can also accomplish the same thing with a View Controller. devexpresw

CodeRush – Unhandled Exceptions

This should prompt you to add your current IP address to the firewall rules so that you can access the SQL database. The awesome thing is that devexpresx can start with the free setup, get up to 10 web sites going and, if your needs grow, scale your web sites up by simple dragging sliders in a web portal.

These steps are taken care of automatically when using the Event Domain Object. Could you send us some screenshots of your environment devsxpress the disabled menus displayed? Posted 04 Dec Link to this post Did not see any logs in app data, but found this in devdxpress This is also fairly easy to fix, but requires two solutions, one for the WinForms project and one for the ASP.

DevExpress DXperience CodeRush RefactorPRO 926

When a user logs in, he or she should only see the objects owned by that user. Another gotcha is ensuring you have the right versions of these files in the right folders when you change configurations. Descend the class from WebReportServiceController and add the following code: Devrxpress wouldn't have gotten the bottom exception had you updated to the version from the 27th of November.

You can track the issue here.

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